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           ORDERS over $50 West Coast
              ORDERS over $125 East Coast

With 40 years in business outfitting Missionaries and Travelers worldwide trust in the technology we share.
Understanding the 4 steps of mission prep to figure out your budget is NUMBER 1.
1- Understand FEET:
     a- Custom fitted insoles that have dynamic design (look at Footbalance technology)
     b- Socks designed for your climate.
          1- Understanding 1 season, 3 season and 4 season.
          2- Look at Darn Tough socks out of Vermont warranted for LIFE against holes & antibacterial to fight foot fungus'
     c- Shoes:
          1- Service shoes, P day shoes, Gym shoes, Shower sandals and 2 pairs of proselyting shoes (same color is easiest for shoe shine gear)
2- Bug and Water technology (watch the "1 step mission prep video")
3- Travel needs (pay attention to what it takes to live 18 months to 2 years on the road)
     a- Luggage: look for professional grade luggage that has warranties against airline damage. (only two companies have this International Luggage and Briggs and Riley)
     b- Watch the training below and go to our handout page for a pdf of these needs.
4- Clothing: (review the pdf on the packing list in our handout area)
     a- Mission Clothing for proselyting (be extremely careful not to buy "dry clean only" clothes! Verify the steps above before buying ANY clothes to be sure they will work with bug treatments and washing and drying conditions of your mission.
     b- Service clothes, P day clothes, Gym clothes, PJ's (2 pairs of each)